Tuesday, August 28, 2007

first day of school

My first day of school as a senior was highly uneventful. I had show choir, then chamber choir, then ap government. Show choir was fun cause its only 7 of us and we spent most of our time assembling the new $20,000 risers we got! Then in chambers we talked about school policy and all the typical first day stuff. But then we sang a little bit and i was surprised how well we did. Most of our choir graduated last year and now we only have one senior boy. Most of the boys are sophomores and I don't really like many of the junior girls. But i was pleased with the turnout. Maybe we wont suck so bad this year! : ) Finally I went to my ap gov class with my friend Katie. Our teacher is a really young cheerleader who used to teach asl. So she is really hyper and bouncy and has a hand motion for EVERYTHING!!! But aside from that it sounds like the class will be good and i like the people that i sit around. Then I got to experience the joys of senior out!! I left school at 2:11pm. Went out the subway for lunch and went home and relaxed. I have senior out everyday this entire year and I'm SUPER excited about it!

Tonight we had the parent meeting for Tues night discipleship. I'm a little worried about the number of kids and the split for Tues and wed but I'm trusting that it'll work out. But I did very much like the 6th graders i met today and i loved their parents! They seem so encouraging and they really want their kids to be there and to grow. They were very easy to talk to and i had a really good time. I think this year is going to be awesome. God's got good plans in store.

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