Friday, August 24, 2007

Attention Please, Summer has been cancelled....on account of rain.

Last May when school let out my mind was flowing with plans for the summer ahead. I was going on several trips and I had plenty of time put away for sleeping, reading, and decompressing. Most of this I had planned to happen in my favorite spot; the lake house. I love coming up to this house so much. Getting away from my everyday peers, problems, stresses, and life, is the greatest thing.

Rain. Rain. Rain. More Rain. Not that rain itself is a bad thing, in fact I realize how much needed alot of it was. It's the damage the amount of rain had on my lake house that really upset me. As the water poured over the Texoma Spillway for the first time since 1989, all my hopes for a sun kissed tan, relaxing boat outings and beaches slipped from my reach. Until today I haven't seen this lake since the weekend before July 4th. As the water continued to rise all the walkways to my slip twisted and became unusable, also we had no electricity and no water. Then the roads were under water and no one was allowed access to the state park at all for over a month.

My perfect summer was gone. Granted I did find other places to go and things to do, and people to hang out with, but all had a bittersweet taste. All summer I had fun, but it was not where I really wanted to be. Today I got a small but satisfying taste of my summer. A perfect day with calm waters and a great swim. Suddenly as the boat glided across the unused water all my bitterness fell away. Because I was forced to change my summer plans and delete the lake from them entirely, I had a much greater appreciation for what I have here. For the first time I didn't see it as this place I go to because I can. I saw it as a privilege. I was lucky to enjoy my final weekend of summer in this house.

I also noticed how much time I have missed out on spending with my family this summer. I am so busy that I get into a habit where the only time I really spend with them is when I'm at the lake. So it is really nice to get this last couple of days to just chill out with folks.

God is good. He has a plan. That's the lesson I learned today.

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