Thursday, August 16, 2007

Crappy Art

Lately I've been spending a great amount of time with my dear friend Kelsey. She is a very talented artist and I have been admiring her work a lot and we have been talking about art a lot lately. Or at least much more then I ever talk about art with any of my other friends. Well I enjoy this very much, but it has left me in a very troubling area. I tend to be a person who sees something and then has to try it. Like if I watch a dance movie like center stage, immediately after it's over I feel like dancing. (and I will if nobody is around) ; ) So naturally I have felt like doing something "artistic"....Problem is that I am a horrible artist. In 17 years I have managed to master the stick figure. So I am left with so much artistic energy in me, and no outlet. Quite frustrating really. Well I might have found a way to solve my present dilemma. I always see pieces of art or sculpture type things in parks or town squares, etc. Well frankly, I just don't see most of these to have much artistic value. Granted, I'm not an artistic scholar, but I just haven't seen much talent in most of it. And for a long time it has been one of my life goals to make a piece of really crappy art and have it displayed in a park somewhere. I think my artistic abilities could handle it. :D So maybe one of these days when I'm feeling a need to express myself artistically (in a very non talented way) Ill get started on my crappy art sculpture.

1 comment:

Kelsey McKinney said...

he-he. Visit the Nasher Sculpture museum. I swear anyone could do that. Including your little sister. I have faith in you lauren!