Sunday, December 9, 2007

On The Thoughts of Late

...Have you noticed that myspace and facebook are exactly the same now. They both have slowly morphed into each other. Interestingly enough, as this has happened I have lost 90% of my own interest in them. I just don't have the time to devote to it these days.

...My next point, time. Most people my age usually accommodate for their lack of time to do things by just not sleeping. This seems like a great idea because it adds a whole 8 hours on to usable day! To bad for me that sleeping happens to be one of my favorite pass times. In fact in the rare moments when I do have down time to do nothing, I will usually be sleeping. This has become a problem recently as "senoiritis" has started to kick in (side note: I truly believe that senioritis is 100% mental and if people never used the term we wouldn't think about it) I would much rather sleep then do the things that need to get done.

...The before mentioned Christmas cd is done....Thank God.

...This Christmas is the first time that I have ever bought presents for my family with my own money. It's kinda nice.

...Downloaded a new ringtone for my phone....super excited about it!

...Having issues finding a mug worthy of mug exchange wed! AHHH

...I have been feeling like writing a poem lately, but I've had nothing to write about. Sad Day.

...The stress level of everyone in my house has started to effect relationships.

...My brother has bought a lot and is having a house built. He is 22! Although I'm not super happy that he is living back at our house till April when the house is supposed to be done, I am really proud of him. for his past, he has really bounced back. He is by far the most successful people of his age that I know. He has proven every teenage statistic wrong. However, I know that all of this is because of God. Ryan must have something amazing set out for him. It amazes me that with everything he has done in his life that he is still alive, among other things. Two things I'm thankful for, my brother, and that God has protected him so well.

...Ive been on an artistic adventure. In my ap gov class I sit with two girls who are extremely talented and they have helped me along. I'm quite impressed with myself. Before I thought that I would forever be stuck at stick figures. But no! I have moved well past that! YAY! I'm not great or maybe even good, but I'm just happy that I'm improving. : ) (Kelsey would be proud of me if ever showed her any of it)

...Ive been so stressed out lately, but I wanted to read something. I did not want however, to have to think hard about what I was reading, so I found a solution! I'm reading a book called The Misfits, I bought back when I was in 7th grade and never actually read it. : ) Its a 10-14 year reading level! lol Its sorta ridiculous, but its easy and I'm enjoying its simplicity. But in light of said simplicity I have chosen to read something Of literary worth soon. I would say next, but my mother wants me to read a Christmas book, so I might do that, then read either Pride and Prejudice or The Scarlet Letter. I also bought another of my favorite authors (Francine Rivers) books, The Prince, from her biblical men series. So I'm excited about getting to that one too. It's about Jonathon.