Thursday, January 24, 2008

On People That Think They Are Better

I've been noticing lately that all around me there are swarms of people who apparently have the mind set that they are better then the people around them. Either they are better some how, or they have some divine right to be exempt from all the common courtesies of society. Just today I have two fresh examples of this most annoying reality.

There is one particular lunch line at school that sells chicken sandwiches, pizza, and an assortment of snacks. This line goes up to a cart instead of the traditional kitchen service line. So the line (which is blatantly obvious) goes off to the side of the cart and continues across the side of the cafeteria; and there I stand, some where in the middle of this line, patiently waiting for my turn to pay for my food. Then walks up Joe Shmo who thinks he is so much more important then all the other people who have been waiting in line. But he doesn't just slip in with a friend some where in line....NO....he boldly walks straight up to the cart and cuts in front of the next person in line and buys his food. This problem wouldn't be as bad if Joe was just a lone rude kid in the midst of many well mannered students, but he is not. Joe has a following of about half the school and so as I wait (not so patiently) in line for food, about 10 different people walk up and repeat Mr Shmo's bold rudeness. And so I wait, and wait, and the line never moves! Ugh. It also bothers me that the lady at the cart sees the whole thing happen over and over and yet continues to serve these high and mighty people before the rest of us!

The second example I have experienced today happened while driving...of course. It happens quite often actually and I notice every day as I make my way toward church. There is a little street called 407, and another which I don't know the name of but it's that street you turn to to go to Briar hill, or KK. Anyway, 407 becomes one lane after that street light and the previous right lane becomes a turn only lane. Well, the turn only sign is actually quite far back on the road so people should be aware of the soon ending of that lane and yet they continue to ride that lane to skip the line of traffic waiting for the green light and then squeeze in front of everyone else right before the lane ends completely. This just really bugs me. I'd like to think that maybe the person is just not from around here and didn't realize the lane ended, this happened to me so I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt...but when you sit in traffic and watch car after car buzz by you and then see not one of them turn from the before mentioned TURN ONLY really starts to annoy.

But like I said earlier, there must be something about them that because of my ignorance I just haven't noticed yet. They must be better than I, or just divinely exempt from those common courtesies....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.