Saturday, January 5, 2008

2008, yep it's GREAT!!!

So, my year is starting off beautifully. It's only January 5th and I can very happily say that I am once again a member of the TMEA All-State Women's Choir!!!! WOO Our last audition was today in Abeline, and although I did not do as well as I had hoped, I'm still so super excited about making a choir and going to San Antonio with a bunch of friends in the middle of February.

Also I'm so super excited about PINE COVE 08 this coming week end! WOO HOO!!!!

I don't have much to say so I'll leave you with a poem I wrote the other day. I have had a major writers block basically over the past year, and finally I have written something I'm kinda proud of. Actually I have written several things lately. YAY

It doesn't reflect my life (so don't freak out) but it does reflect the lives of some people I know. My heart went out to one of them and so I wrote this.

Best Friends Forever
Lauren Gish
Laugh it up, have your fun
Disregarding everyone.
Play your games, go ahead
Until you wind up dead.
You think this wont affect me,
and you think that no one cares.
But that wont change reality
and the damage that is there.
I see you waste your life away
on a lie society tells.
And I had hoped you would be smarter then that,
but disappointment never fails.
Now I'm tired of being used,
and I'm tired of being hated.
I'm tired of being lied to,
It's not appreciated.
So I've made up my mind,
you've made it very clear.
Best friend forever,
No longer wanted here.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Congratulations on the women's choir!

And, isn't No Agenda weekend the absolute BEST?