Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Goals For the Year

Here's a random list of things I've been thinking about lately pertaining to what I want to accomplish this year.

-Make friends that live in Denton
-Manage my time well
-Not over stretch myself
-build relationships with a group of amazing junior/senior girls
-Increase my discipline for personal bible study
-Keep in touch with a select few friends who have dispersed
-continue to learn to play the guitar
-find out what the person I want to be looks like
-Continue to keep relationships with the underclassmen of cbc
-succeed in my classes at unt

Not necessarily in that order.


Nathan said...

Ok you have already dropped the ball on keeping up with dispersed friends...where is my phone call? Where is my email? Where is my facebook...oh wait...yeah you did that

Brent said...

Those are some pretty good goals...