Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just another update

Nothing to inspiring, just another update.

-I got a 102 on my gov test....I'm not sure how
-I failed my algebra test, and I'm not sure I'll do any better on the next two
-I did pretty well on my astronomy test, I'm hopeful for a high B
-I totally owned my history test, and I'm super happy about it.
-People watching is even more fun when you know the person you're watching
-I kinda like working, and I knew that I would
-I loved not having to work on sunday!
-I'm happy with the state of the college ministry, and I think God has left it in very capable hands
-It would be nice to have more girls though
-I like other peoples children way to much...(that sounds bad lol)
-I'm talking to my cousin again, and it's nice
-I wish the rest would follow suit
-I super love having my own laptop, but I wonder if I'll like having the new one
-This particular boy has mad me very happy as of late
-The materialist in me is very happy about wearing my new dress and jewelry
-Excited to see him perform tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"People watching is even more fun when you know the person you're watching"

Great. Now I'm going to be super-conscious about myself should I wander into your particular place of employment...

(And thank for you the kind words.)