Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nineteen Years Worth

A friend of mine posted a blog about the memories that stick out most in her life. It got me thinking about my life and I thought I would share my most memerable times with you. If you care enough to read through them, you're probaly in them.

-playing in my rice box as a child, it was cleaner than sand.
-the day paige hit her head on my ceiling fan
-Christmas when I basically told my aunt that my uncle was going to propose
-meeting Britany in 3rd grade, thinking she was a boy
-leaving school early in 3rd grade to have a chocolate shake with mom at chilis
-making 1000 paper cranes in 5th grade
-the one and only night in my life i've ever snuck out
-My first kiss...eww
-Grandpa throwing a water bottle at me across the dinner table because of his alzheimers
-sitting at spaghetti warehouse when my mom told us she was pregnant
-the "chicklets"
-playing ooga booga at sleep overs with Breana and Rachel
-phone conversations with Austin that lastest for hours
-Ryan being sent away to Utah
-agenda attacking in 7th grade
-Mrs. Miller in 8th grade algebra....we hated her
-Meeting Taylor in Mexico
-our own anti-social bible studies at nancy's house fresh year
-eating lunch alone by the choir room the last 2 months of soph year
-that conversation with Kristy sophmore year in the dungon office
-Being "in love" with Rian for two years
-mexico junior year--Kelsey's life story while stuccoing
-St. Patricks day in Ireland
-"Intervention" in Ireland
-bible study with Sarah in Ireland
-Driving to Tech with Charlotte
-Sr. girls bible study 08
-Kristy's wedding
-The day Nathan annouced he was leaving to the college group
-The night we got back from Pine Cove 09
-Baptizing Morgan
-Laying in the hammock during lake weekend summer '08


Kristy said...

I love you with all my heart gish-face. You're an amazing woman, and I'm so glad I know if only I'd see you every once in a while!

Sarah said...

I'm being a creeper and reading your old posts. But I guess it isn't creeping if it's a blog, huh?

Anyways, I'd totally forgotten about our Bible Study in Ireland! Wow.

And the intervention. baha. Oh geez. So much drama.