Monday, April 14, 2008

Short Thoughts

Just some random short thoughts for today

-going to the gym after pigging out on pizza is a very good/very bad idea!
-I miss Kim's blog
-I just owned the essay over ww1 I had to write for AP European history
-I think I might enjoy reading Frankenstein for English, but I don't enjoy the assignment that goes along with it....sad day
-I think I'm going to go read in the bath tub when I finish writing this.
-I hate AP economics
-I hate missing 2 weeks of tues night bible study for stupid practice AP exams
-I'm excited about leaving for South Padre on Thursday for choir trip even though I secretly don't think it's gonna be that great
-healthy snacks just aren't as fun
-I've lost 3 pounds since I started going to the gym
-I'm pretty much over not being able to go to Italy this summer. God opened up another opportunity to go on an awesome road trip with some of my best friends.
-I'm not sure I'll miss many of my school friends when college rolls around. I think that's cause I'm not very plugged in.
-I love flowers on the side of the road, it makes driving 10xs more enjoyable!
-my favorite flowers (on the side of the road) are the little dark red ones.
-I need to get my prom dress altered SOON
-I really enjoy working out with my brother, I love that we are at an age that we can hang out and its normal.
-Life's going pretty good at the moment. woo!

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