Sunday, March 2, 2008

Recent Happenings

In fear of being put on Brent's double secret probation list I decided that I needed to blog again. So here's what's on my mind.

-Kristy Alpert is officially the most beautiful bride in the world. She was truly radiant on Saturday, March 1st, 2008 as she exchanged vows with Mark. Only God knows how much of an impact she truly has had upon my life and how much I love her. I just praise God that He has blessed her with such a beautiful, God-centered marriage.

-Flower Girls rock! I can't even put into words how amazing our rehearsal dinner party at mrs. g's was. We went around in a circle and introduced ourselves and told what God was doing in our lives at the moment or just shared where we were at. It was the most encouraging night I've had in the last year. There was something beautiful about 20 girls in one room who all love Christ and who are all struggling. As the girls told their stories and shared their experiences there was hope and peace within their pain. Each girl glowed with the joy of Christ even as they shared their struggles. Myself, being of the youngest in the bunch, I found these girls to be so encouraging. I know that there is hope in Christ and these girls proved to me the absolute truth in that.

-God Provides. Most of you are aware of the amazing blessings God has given my this year with all the traveling I will be doing. However each of these trips cost ALOT. Luckily my family is financially able to send me to all these places, but it's still straining on them. On top of that I ask for money all the time anyway for food and stuff since I have no way of making money. But praise our God who gives! The other day, completely out of the blue a lady from our church calls me. She said she saw me work with the children during Music Camp and needs a babysitter! On top of this completely random opportunity, the job also happened to be at a time when I'm actually not busy!!! Praise God! So I was all pumped up about this and then a day or two later I got presented with another opportunity to make some money singing at a church every Sunday morning in March!!! This is extremely amazing and a true blessing!

-Lent. Thanks to my cool friend Bailey I was inspired to give up music in the car for lent. This has without a doubt been a blessing for me. God has been teaching me the importance of focusing on Him. I've been able to use much of this quite car time to pray and just reflect on stuff. I've grown so much during this short time. I've learned the importance of prayer, and I no longer struggle with that whole "awkward talking to God" thing. Focusing on God has changed my life! I have suddenly become so aware of how He is working in my life and how often he answers my prayers. Also how God provides before I even need to ask. I've been able to find joy in Christ. Hallelujah

In conclusion.....Praise God!

1 comment:

From Carlys Eyes said...

I couldnt help but notice that you all were so beautiful at the wedding. I dont think I have ever seen so many girls your age in once place that are so lovely in so many ways.