Monday, August 18, 2008


I couldn't put what I feel into words that made sentences and paragraphs, so I opted for bullets

-I want college to start
-I want to go home
-I love living in flo mo
-I love hanging with the guys again
-I miss my friends
-I really want/need a job
-It would be nice to get this particular job
-I like my new phone
-I don't know anybodies number
-I need to read my bible
-I can't stop crying
-The internet is boring me
-I know I did the right thing
-I've lost 6 pounds because I've been sick
-I don't know if that's a good thing
-I miss him
-Summer needs to end
-I need less free time
-The sadness needs to go away
-I haven't gotten much sleep lately
-I needed references today and I realized that nathan is no longer pastor of student ministries
-I need a guitar
-I need guitar lessons
-I heart anna nalick
-I miss lunch with kelsey and I'm glad that's starting soon
-I'm nervous about my responsibilities
-I'm nervous about getting a job
-I'm not nervous at all about school
-I wish I had gotten the free t-shirt, but it was fun hanging out
-I really love that my mom misses me

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