Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Truth or Dare

A game of the ages. I don't know anyone who has never played, whether formal game play, or spontaneous dares. But few have ever viewed this game as anything but a silly child's game or a teens game of pushing limits. However this is changing with the simple spark of genius by a dear friend and the effort put forth by several. Truth or dare, a game used most often to humiliate and test morals is now being used to strengthen walks with Christ. How amazing is this change.

In our Tuesday night small group my fellow leaders and I have decided to create journals to give to our girls. In these journals each week the girls will have a truth or a dare to complete throughout the week. Truth refers to the Bible which is truth, God's word. In theses tasks the girls are challenged to read passages and to dive into the bible and journal about how this truth effected them that week and what they learned. For a dare, we base it off of a passage usually centered on what we learned that week. For example last week in bible study we talked about loving each other and how God calls us to love. So the dare for this week was to go out and love. To be conscious and taking advantage of every opportunity to love people.

Anyway, it's working out really great so far and I'm excited to see where God takes us.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

On Bleeding

I gave blood this past Friday.I'll be honest and say that I was kinda freaked out by it. I don't like needles and I don't like pain and I really don't like this idea of them "missing" your vain. But never the less, here's my experience. I didn't get the chance to go do it until around third block, so about 1pm. I left my third block class since we weren't doing anything and made my way to the big gym. When I walked in I saw people lying in weird reclining chairs and my first thought was of Sweeney Todd and the chair that drops all the dead people to the basement.....Anyway, since I was a first time donor I had to fill out a lot of paper work and answer several questions. The lady at the desk was sorta rude, but maybe she was just tired or something. After the paper work I went to the next booth and they asked more questions. They were sorta worried about my several trips down to Juarez but it turned out that everything was fine. After that this lady pricked my finger to see if my iron level was good enough to donate blood and to make sure I wasn't anemic. Everything was great, I'm in good health and so I moved on to the final stage and sat down in the Sweeney Todd chair. The women who was going to take my blood was a large, black woman with several gold teeth (one of which had a cross imprint). She was an interesting character but she was very nice and she made me feel comfortable. That is until she couldn't find my vain....apparently my veins are really deep. It took forever to find it! I spent several minutes squeezing the stress ball, and she kept making the tourniquet thing tighter and tighter. Finally it popped up and she went to grab the blood bag and tubes and things and when she got back the darn vain had disappeared again. I nervously made jokes to try and lighten my mood but at this point I was really freaking out. All I could think about was that she would have trouble finding my vain and that she would miss and it would hurt a lot! I kind of cried, not a lot but a few nervous tears. She finally found the vain again and then put the needle in and the blood was flowing. It really wasn't that bad, in fact the finger prick before had hurt worse. However, I looked over before she had covered it up and it was pretty gross looking. I could see my skin and then a needle sticking out of it....eww. I had to continue to squeeze the stress ball to keep the blood flow going. This got increasingly difficult because my arm had fallen asleep and it was tingly feeling. In fact it continued to get worse and that needle feeling started on my finger tips! That was the worst part about the whole process. I could also feel the blood pulsing out of my body. It was like feeling your heart beat, but you know that its your blood instead. I started to get a little light headed but they put a wash cloth on my head and gave me some powerade and I felt much better. Aside from the asleep arm feeling the other worst part was that I was freezing to death! My Sweeney Todd chair was right in front of the open doors to the outside. Over all though it was a good experience and I would surely do it again.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'M RICH!!! Who Knew?

I read an article today that was written in 2006 (so now the numbers may be slightly different). My economics teacher, also my Euro teacher, who is one of the best teachers I've had through out my education gave it to us to read. It was very interesting to me because it told me that I was among the richest of the world in many ways. In fact it went so far as to say that research indicates that a person only needs $2,200 of total net worth to be among the top half of the wealthiest people in the world. And only $61,000 to be in the top 10%.

We in America tend to compare our state of wealth with celebrities, and powerful businessmen, and Bill Gates...and because of this we sometimes view ourselves as poor, or "just middle class". But what we aren't realizing is that half of the world is living off of $2 a day! It floors me to think that at age 18, I myself am close to owning $2,200 in capital, if not there already. However, I am still completely dependant upon my parents as my main way of attaining money. And yet, I am among the richest in the world. Not to mention that my family would hit the 10% mark at least.

This article said that the three richest men in the world, Gates, Warren Buffet, and Carlos Slim Helu, each have more money than the poorest 48 nations combined!!! How does one person have more money than 48 nations??? What do they do with it?

This article just got me thinking. It got me thinking about how much I take for granted, not only the big stuff, but every day things too. It also got me thinking about how little I (or we as the wealthy half) do to spread the wealth.

I've been reading a lot in Thessalonians and John, and serventhood has come up several times. I tend to get into my grove and go about my weekly business, and I put in my service hours with Tues night, or random tasks around the house. But that is just not good enough. Yes, those things are great, but I should be constantly serving. Always searching for opportunities to spread the wealth, money or not. This leads me to another thing that has been pacing through my mind. National Honor Society at my school is holding a blood drive tomorrow. I really really really do not want to do it, because I do not like needles. But lately God has really put it on my heart to go through with it. I am in great health and I am "rich" in blood, but so many people out there are not. It is selfish of me to let my fear stop me from serving those people. We all should be looking out for ways that we can share our wealth regardless of what form of wealth we are talking about.

So look out for my next blog featuring my first experience ever with the removal of blood from my body.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

On People That Think They Are Better

I've been noticing lately that all around me there are swarms of people who apparently have the mind set that they are better then the people around them. Either they are better some how, or they have some divine right to be exempt from all the common courtesies of society. Just today I have two fresh examples of this most annoying reality.

There is one particular lunch line at school that sells chicken sandwiches, pizza, and an assortment of snacks. This line goes up to a cart instead of the traditional kitchen service line. So the line (which is blatantly obvious) goes off to the side of the cart and continues across the side of the cafeteria; and there I stand, some where in the middle of this line, patiently waiting for my turn to pay for my food. Then walks up Joe Shmo who thinks he is so much more important then all the other people who have been waiting in line. But he doesn't just slip in with a friend some where in line....NO....he boldly walks straight up to the cart and cuts in front of the next person in line and buys his food. This problem wouldn't be as bad if Joe was just a lone rude kid in the midst of many well mannered students, but he is not. Joe has a following of about half the school and so as I wait (not so patiently) in line for food, about 10 different people walk up and repeat Mr Shmo's bold rudeness. And so I wait, and wait, and the line never moves! Ugh. It also bothers me that the lady at the cart sees the whole thing happen over and over and yet continues to serve these high and mighty people before the rest of us!

The second example I have experienced today happened while driving...of course. It happens quite often actually and I notice every day as I make my way toward church. There is a little street called 407, and another which I don't know the name of but it's that street you turn to to go to Briar hill, or KK. Anyway, 407 becomes one lane after that street light and the previous right lane becomes a turn only lane. Well, the turn only sign is actually quite far back on the road so people should be aware of the soon ending of that lane and yet they continue to ride that lane to skip the line of traffic waiting for the green light and then squeeze in front of everyone else right before the lane ends completely. This just really bugs me. I'd like to think that maybe the person is just not from around here and didn't realize the lane ended, this happened to me so I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt...but when you sit in traffic and watch car after car buzz by you and then see not one of them turn from the before mentioned TURN ONLY lane....it really starts to annoy.

But like I said earlier, there must be something about them that because of my ignorance I just haven't noticed yet. They must be better than I, or just divinely exempt from those common courtesies....

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Just Killed a Tree

Yep that's right....In the name of AP European History I just printed off 14 pages of notes, mostly double sided and all about the French Revolution.

Since I have nothing inspiring to talk about here are some things I've been thinking about lately.
-McMurry University is a small private school outside of Abeline. They continue to send me applications, and scholarship info, and academic info, and housing info, activity info, and music info.....(i could go on) I have received more info from this small school than I have from every other school combined.....(if I'm exaggerating it's only by a little bit) In fact they have personally called me several times and tonight I was on the phone with the admissions guy talking about scholarships and things. It seems to me that they would like me to go to there school. It has also crossed my mind that maybe the extreme about of persistence from them could in fact be a little message from God. But I'm not convinced. I don't want to go there mainly because its in a super small town. Aside from that it seems like a good school I guess. Tonight during my little conference call the man told me I was likely to get a $7,000 scholarship! Which would be awesome....if it didn't cost $27,000 a year! I'm also thinking that if colleges didn't send out so much advertising crap that it wouldn't cost so darn much!

-I went to a wedding this weekend up in Tipton Indiana, I'm sure you've never heard of good ol' Tipton, and well, you're not missing much. It was a nice little wedding, my uncle Tom was tying the knot for the 3rd time. It's interesting the my dad is 40-something and has been married once, the middle brother is 40 something and has never been married....and doesn't plan on it, and the youngest brother is 40 something and has been married three times. Anyway, I got to sit on the front row since my family and my grandma were the only family of groom present. I don't think that the organist playing the entrance music had ever seen an organ, or sheet music in his life, but the vocalist did a fine job. For Brent's sake I'd like to note that no flash photography was taken through the hole event. (maybe someone in Tipton reads your blog )

-During my trip I realized just how attached to material possessions I am. At some point between the wedding and the middle of the reception my $300 brand spanken new camera got lost or stolen. I cried. I really was devastated. I only had it since Christmas and I really really really loved it. I'm not sure if I was more upset about losing the camera or the 200 pictures I had on there from all state auds, choir stuff, and pine cove.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Time Line

Standing on a line, years surrounding, yet still.
Past marked by a view of color and thrill.
The eye overwhelmed, caught by a moment,
And again by one less current.
Listen in to a history all your own,
Examining a time well known.
Vibrant music, a tune you can see.
This life known unto me.
Joy gives flight to a new dance,
Spirals only stop to catch a glance.
Still standing on that line, years still present,
Looking ahead at time not yet spent.
The dance is gone, fear sweeps over head.
This sea of gray I dread.
Wanting only to turn around,
Tightly to this line my feet are bound.
Forced into this time, I was unaware,
Afraid to move toward this affair.
Bended knee and silent prayer,
An open eye, the line less bare.
Flash of hope, color of truth,
Just fear embedded in my youth.

Jan 9, 2008 Lauren Gish

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2008, yep it's GREAT!!!

So, my year is starting off beautifully. It's only January 5th and I can very happily say that I am once again a member of the TMEA All-State Women's Choir!!!! WOO Our last audition was today in Abeline, and although I did not do as well as I had hoped, I'm still so super excited about making a choir and going to San Antonio with a bunch of friends in the middle of February.

Also I'm so super excited about PINE COVE 08 this coming week end! WOO HOO!!!!

I don't have much to say so I'll leave you with a poem I wrote the other day. I have had a major writers block basically over the past year, and finally I have written something I'm kinda proud of. Actually I have written several things lately. YAY

It doesn't reflect my life (so don't freak out) but it does reflect the lives of some people I know. My heart went out to one of them and so I wrote this.

Best Friends Forever
Lauren Gish
Laugh it up, have your fun
Disregarding everyone.
Play your games, go ahead
Until you wind up dead.
You think this wont affect me,
and you think that no one cares.
But that wont change reality
and the damage that is there.
I see you waste your life away
on a lie society tells.
And I had hoped you would be smarter then that,
but disappointment never fails.
Now I'm tired of being used,
and I'm tired of being hated.
I'm tired of being lied to,
It's not appreciated.
So I've made up my mind,
you've made it very clear.
Best friend forever,
No longer wanted here.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Unavoidable New Year Blog

I guess the appropriate way to start this blog would be to over view 2007. The problem with this is that I can hardly remember what happened yesterday. Of course this is an over dramatic statement, but there is some truth to the severity of my personal lack of memory of this past year. I have spent my year like so many other people in the world, RUNNING!!!! And of course not the good, healthy kind of running, but the intense, hectic, stressful running around like a chicken with its head cut off! In a nutshell 2007 was busy. Which brings me to new years resolution #1 Enjoy the busyness of my life. Although my life is busy, I don't see why I can't still enjoy it. But I have been so rapped up in what I have NEXT, that I have often ignored what I am doing NOW. This is a huge problem because I have stopped enjoying the things that I do. But in 2008 it is my resolution to stop and focus on the present moments and enjoy the NOWs in life. NEXT will come in its own time. Resolution #2 Make an effort to be more outgoing and make myself more accessible to others. I have spent so much of 2007 alone. I do love my alone time, but I have become some what of a recluse. In the down time that I do have amongst the busyness, I have gotten in the habit of turning down opportunities to hang out and I have just chilled at home alone. The problem with this is that then I complain when people stop calling and inviting me to things. So in 2008 I refuse to be a recluse! Along with not reclusing myself, this resolution also has another side to it. I must become more outgoing. I have decided that as a person I SUCK at small talk and getting to know new people. But I have now decided that I was retarded when I made that first decision about myself and that not being good at it is just a matter of lack of effort and practice. So in 2008 I'm gonna get out there and meet new people and get to know them. This is absolutely necessary in 2008 since I have college and my amazing trip to Italy coming up!

So back to 2007. Here are some things that I enjoyed or didn't enjoy or just happened or didn't happen.....w/e
-I got pulled over by a cop for the first time ever! But he let me off with a warning. I was going 42 in a 35 in my neighborhood. I don't speed as much anymore. : )
-I went to Ireland. This was the first time I have traveled to Europe and I fell in love with it! I also fell in love with traveling the world. Ireland was amazing. Everything was so beautiful there and I had so much fun. I was able to grow closer to my best friend and with Christ through a devotional that we did together in the hotels at night.
-I became an adult this past November. That's right, I can vote....and buy sharpies! (line stolen from the bestie)
-I grew closer with my brother in 07. It amazes me that just 4 years ago we HATED each other. He has come so far from where he was in high school to where he is now and I am SO proud of him. I thank God that He has restored our friendship in the past couple of years and especially 2007.
-New friendships arose this year. Just to name a few, I have become good friends with Kelsey, Bethany, and Sarah. Kelsey and I became friends almost instantly during Music Camp this year. Although we had known each other and been friends before music camp, those 100 something hours together impacted our relationship so much and I don't know how I would have gone through this half of 07 without her! It would have been way boring without her! I have enjoyed so much our dinners at Quizznos, even though I sorta have problems showing up sometimes....She is my most interesting friends by far and always has something intriguing to say. Bethany and I have known each other through bible study for at least 3 years now but never really got to know each other. But some how this year we just became friends. I cant even remember how it happened. But now she is one of my favorite people in the world! I love all the little chats that we have had regarding the future and life and family and God and everything else at the most random of times and places (like KK [that's Kids Kastle for those who just don't know] ). Sarah and I met in 2006 in Galveston on our choir trip but 2007 has brought an amazing friendship and with that growth in Christ! She is my most encouraging friend. She is who I complain to when life isn't going my way and who I jump up and down with when something amazing happens. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the many nights we have spent watching rented lame girly movies and eating pints of ice cream together. She always helps me decide between cookies in cream and cookie dough! I love her a whole lot!
-I made the Texas All-State Womens Choir.
-2007 has brought alot of understanding about myself and boys. Just some things that I learned: I don't do long distance (even if its as close as Dallas). I hate it when boys constantly text me. I don't have time for that. It's very important that a boy knows Christ. Impulse is never a good thing. Forgiveness is always worth it. And finally, the only boy I need to be happy is Jesus Christ.
-I got to enjoy being a part of my youth group. This year was the first year that I have ever really felt like I had a family at CBC. I love it.
-I recorded a CD!
-Sarah and I went to so many shows and concerts this year. Music has really puts its mark on 2007 thanks to Sarah, the ability to drive, and free nokia tickets from daddy!

I'm sure there's more, but I must move on. So here are some things that I'm looking forward to in 2008!!!!
-An Amazing 22 day trip to Italy and Greece in July!
-College! I will be attending the University of North Texas. I had a bit of bitterness about it for a while but I am completely over that. A friend helped me to see the good of UNT and that it can be just as much fun as anywhere else. Also I have come to terms that staying home is God's plan for me right now. So UNT it is! Go EAGLES!
-Mark and Kristy's wedding! I'm so excited to be a flower girl and be able to share in this amazing part of Kristy's life. She has been such an angel in my life and I'm so glad that she found so much happiness and that God has blessed her with such an amazing guy as Mark! She deserves it!
-Ski trip at CBC. YAY
-Pine Cove 08!

As far as I can tell 2008 will be an amazing year and I can't wait to really dive in.